#StopRosebank Fossil Finance Training: Defund, Divest, Defeat

Organised by: BankTrack, Tipping Point UK
online event

Rosebank is a major global threat to our ability to move away from fossil fuel extraction towards a clean, green, just future that doesn’t depend upon the exploitation of people and planet. Behind Rosebank and every other fossil fuel project worldwide sit the bankers, insurers, and investors throwing money at these carbon bombs and slipping millions in donations into Conservative Party pockets to avoid regulation. As long as our government remains a tool of corporations and the wealthy, our calls for them to halt disastrous projects, like Rosebank, go unheard.

Join us for this training in Fossil Finance campaigning 101 to understand how we can add financial institutions to our list of targets to #StopRosebank. We’ll take a deep dive into the murky, dirty financial world backing this carbon bomb, demystify the scary economic language behind fossil finance, and begin brainstorming how we can effectively turn off the money tap behind Rosebank to #DefundClimateChaos.

This event will take place via Zoom, you should receive a link when you register. If you have any questions please email rona@tippingpointuk.org 

Start: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 • 6:00 PM • Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

End: Wednesday, November 23, 2022 • 7:30 PM • Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)