Ebenezer Community Development Organization |
Malawi |
Green Light NB Enviro Club Feu Vert Inc. |
Canada |
SVT Group |
United States |
F Minus |
United States |
Climesumer |
Germany |
Positive Money |
United Kingdom |
World Friends for Africa Burkina Faso |
Burkina Faso |
Climate Live Tanzania |
Tanzania |
Human Development Foundation-Malawi |
Malawi |
Robinson Architecture |
Australia |
Yarra Climate Action Now |
Australia |
studio203 architects |
Australia |
Attac France |
France |
Ircantec |
France |
We've got this. The intergenerational climate apology |
Switzerland |
We are the Ark |
Ireland |
Laia |
Spain |
Defund Climate Chaos |
United Kingdom |
Tipping Point UK |
United Kingdom |
Fund for Democratic Communities |
United States |
abfinance |
Australia |
Green Christian |
United Kingdom |
Divest Oregon: Reinvest in a Fossil Free Future |
United States |
Music Declares Emergency |
United Kingdom |
Eco Action Families |
United Kingdom |
Doctors for the Environment Australia |
Australia |
Harford County Climate Action |
United States |
Swiss Working Group on Colombia (Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz Kolumbien ask!) |
Switzerland |
GegenStroemung – INFOE e. V. |
Germany |
Alofa Tuvalu |
France |
Foodscraps360.com, LLC |
United States |
Frack Free United |
United Kingdom |
Brighton & Hove Friends of the Earth |
United Kingdom |
Friday's for Future, Manchester |
United Kingdom |
Circ.eco |
Denmark |
Frack Free Lancashire |
United Kingdom |
Conservation Action Trust |
India |
Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan |
Pakistan |
Better Tomorrow Solar |
United States |
Answer Consulting |
Canada |
Thought Networks |
United States |
Strategic Response on Environmental Conservation (STREC) |
Uganda |
New hope for the poor |
Congo - Kinshasa |
Indigenous Environmental Network |
United States |
Thomas Berry Forum at Iona College |
United States |
Extinction Rebellion Phoenix |
United States |
Sebastian Decter |
Canada |
Safari Agricole Kinase, SAK |
Congo - Kinshasa |
New Progressive Alliance |
United States |
Campax |
Switzerland |
Color Brighton Green |
United States |
Fridays For Future |
Australia |
Fossil Free Israel |
Israel |
The Hague Fossilfree |
Netherlands |
MASS Action |
United Kingdom |
Spain |
Green Gains |
Hungary |
Spain |
Open University People and Planet Society |
United Kingdom |
SustainVBL |
Germany |
France |
Fossil Free Lüneburg |
Germany |
Fossil Free Israel |
Israel |
350 Ghana Reducing Our Carbon |
Ghana |
Extinction Rebellion Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Sharklays |
United Kingdom |
XR Calderdale |
United Kingdom |
Extinction Rebellion Bury |
United Kingdom |
XR Colchester |
United Kingdom |
SE Cornwall Extinction Rebellion |
United Kingdom |
~ le mouvement |
France |
Fossil Free London |
United Kingdom |
Lancaster University Extinction Rebellion |
United Kingdom |
Divest Brent |
United Kingdom |
Verve Super |
Australia |
Protect Our Winters Norway |
Norway |
Cruelty Free Super |
Australia |
Future Super |
Australia |
Friends of the Earth Finland |
Finland |
Green Neighbour |
Canada |
Protect Our Winters Sweden |
Sweden |
Banking on a Better Future |
Canada |
Protect Our Winters UK |
United Kingdom |
Hackney & Tower Hamlets Friends of the Earth |
United Kingdom |
Fossil Free OU |
United Kingdom |
Fossil Free SA |
South Africa |
Loughborough People & Planet |
United Kingdom |
Divest Lothian |
United Kingdom |
Fossil Free NI |
United Kingdom |
Finance & Trade Watch |
Austria |
Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO) |
Germany |
One Earth |
United States |
Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands |
Netherlands |
Fair Finance Netherlands (Eerlijke Geldwijzer) |
Netherlands |
Fair Finance Asia |
Cambodia |
Fair Finance Thailand |
Thailand |
Switzerland |
Divest Brent |
United Kingdom |
Fossil Free Islington |
United Kingdom |
International Rivers |
United States |
Center for Human Rights and Environment |
United States |
Ember |
United Kingdom |
AnsvarligFremtid |
Denmark |
Blue Dalian |
China |
Profundo |
Netherlands |
Indigenous Environmental Network |
United States |
Swiss Youth for Climate |
Switzerland |
350 Japan |
Japan |
Protect Our Winters Europe |
Austria |
Junge Grüne Schweiz |
Switzerland |
Protect Our Winters Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Uplift |
United Kingdom |
Climate Change Network Nigeria |
Nigeria |
İklim için 350 |
Turkey |
Friends of the Earth Scotland |
United Kingdom |
Fastenopfer Switzerland |
Switzerland |
KlimastadtZürich |
Switzerland |
Campax |
Switzerland |
Caring Farmers |
Netherlands |
Association Climat Genève |
Switzerland |
One Minute for Earth |
Canada |
Climate Alliance Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Rainforest Action Network |
United States |
Fossielvrij NL |
Netherlands |
Zielone Mazowsze |
Poland |
Związek Stowarzyszeń Polska Zielona Sieć |
Poland |
WWF Poland |
Poland |
Społeczny Instytut Ekologiczny |
Poland |
Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno-Kulturalne “Wspólna Ziemia” |
Poland |
ProVeg Poland |
Poland |
Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne Eko-Unia |
Poland |
Polski Klub Ekologiczny Okręg Pomorski |
Poland |
Polski Klub Ekologiczny Okręg Mazowiecki |
Poland |
Polski Klub Ekologiczny Koło Tychy |
Poland |
Dolnośląski Klub Ekologiczny |
Poland |
Liga Ochrony Przyrody |
Poland |
Klub Gaja |
Poland |
Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju |
Poland |
Fundacja Otwarty Plan |
Poland |
Fundacja Na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju |
Poland |
GAP Polska Foundation |
Poland |
Fundacja EkoRozwoju |
Poland |
Fundacja Ekologiczna Zielona Akcja |
Poland |
Fundacja Ekologiczna Arka |
Poland |
Fundacja Efektywnego Wykorzystania Energii |
Poland |
Fundacja ClientEarth Prawnicy dla Ziemi |
Poland |
Bo Miasto |
Poland |
Fundacja Aeris Futuro |
Poland |
EcoEd Foundation |
United States |
KlimatFest aps |
Italy |
We are here Venice |
Italy |
Circolo Laura Conti del Forese Sud Ravennate |
Italy |
Trivelle Zero Molise |
Italy |
Coordinamento Ravennate Fuori dal Fossile |
Italy |
No Hub del Gas Abruzzo |
Italy |
Italia Nostra Sardegna |
Italy |
Rete "Legalità per il clima" |
Italy |
Collettivo No al Fossile Civitavecchia |
Italy |
Centro di Ricerca Euro Americano sulle Politiche Costituzionali (CEDEUAM) - Università del Salento |
Italy |
Cagliari Socialforum |
Italy |
Comitato Opzione Zero |
Italy |
Rebelión o Extinción Argentina |
Argentina |
TerraBlu Odv |
Italy |
Centre for Transport and Energy |
Czechia |
Zukunft statt Kohle / Future instead of Carbon Switzerland |
Switzerland |
fossil-free.ch Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Per il Clima Fuori dal Fossile |
Italy |
Movimento No TAP/SNAM della Provincia di Brindisi |
Italy |
Greenpeace Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Redazione emergenzaclimatica.it |
Italy |
Frack Free Sussex |
United Kingdom |
Frack Off London |
United Kingdom |
Climate Reality Europe |
Austria |
Global Justice Manchester |
United Kingdom |
Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) |
Philippines |
Fossil Free East Yorkshire |
United Kingdom |
c2c circle of curators and critics |
Czechia |
Transition Edinburgh |
United Kingdom |
Rodiče za klima Liberec |
Czechia |
Zastavme špinavé prachy |
Czechia |
350Brooklyn |
United States |
Re-set: platform for socio-ecological transformation |
Czechia |
Action for Ecology & People Emancipation (AEER) |
Indonesia |
Centre for Citizens Conserving (CECIC) |
Uganda |
groundWork |
South Africa |
Africa Coal Network |
South Africa |
Extinction Rebellion Lewes |
United Kingdom |
Ovesco |
United Kingdom |
Positive Money UK |
United Kingdom |
Global Witness |
United Kingdom |
Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany |
Germany |
Glasgow Calls Out Polluters |
United Kingdom |
Divest Strathclyde |
United Kingdom |
Climate Coalition |
Poland |
Friends of the Landless Finland |
Finland |
Frack Free East Yorkshire |
United Kingdom |
Nijmegen Fossielvrij |
Netherlands |
Eco Action Families |
United Kingdom |
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press |
United States |
Hanover Action: towards a sustainable community |
United Kingdom |
New Progressive Alliance |
United States |
Zielony Instytut |
Poland |
Fundacja "Rozwój TAK - Odkrywki NIE" |
Poland |
Association Workshop for All Beings |
Poland |
350Africa.org |
South Africa |
Unite North Metro Denver |
United States |
Humans for Mother Earth |
United States |
Just Share |
South Africa |
Bangladesh Working Group on External Debt (BWGED) |
Bangladesh |
Market Forces |
Australia |
350 Mass |
United States |
Both ENDS |
Netherlands |
People & Planet |
United Kingdom |
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia |
United States |
CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network) |
Bangladesh |
GreenFaith |
United States |
Extinction Rebellion Boston |
United States |
Climate Change Australia - Hastings |
Australia |
Friends of the Earth, Brighton & Hove |
United Kingdom |
Climate Emergency Institute |
Canada |
Yarra Climate Action Now |
Australia |
Focus Association for Sustainable Development |
Slovenia |
etika |
Luxembourg |
North Bronx Racial Justice |
United States |
Bronx Climate Justice North |
United States |
Olympic Climate Action |
United States |
Environmental Justice Foundation |
United Kingdom |
Socio-ecological union international |
Russia |
350 New Hampshire Action |
United States |
Phases Social Enterprise |
United Kingdom |
Spirit of the Sun |
United States |
North Range Concerned Citizens |
United States |
Wall of Women |
United States |
Call to Action Colorado |
United States |
CatholicNetwork US |
United States |
RapidShift Network |
United States |
Interfaith EarthKeepers |
United States |
Climate Finance Action |
United States |
Green America |
United States |
Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area |
United States |
Research Institute for Environmental Finance |
Japan |
Savoy Systems Ltd |
United Kingdom |
Climáximo |
Portugal |
urgewald |
Germany |
Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (GAAM) |
United Kingdom |
ActionAid Denmark |
Denmark |
Rural Development Policy Institute (RDPI) |
Pakistan |
Sierra Club |
United States |
198 methods |
United States |
350Vancouver |
Canada |
Earth First! |
United States |
Youth Emergency Auxiliary Service-Sierra Leone (YEAS-SL) |
Sierra Leone |
Fire Your Fossil Bank |
Canada |
Stand.earth |
Canada |
KoalaKollektiv |
Germany |
Below2C |
Canada |
Friends of the Earth US |
United States |
Friends of the Earth Hungary |
Hungary |
Extinction Rebellion Ottawa |
Canada |
Extinction Rebellion Canada |
Canada |
London Mining Network |
United Kingdom |
Bank Information Center |
United States |
EKOenergy |
Finland |
Harrington Investments, Inc. |
United States |
Steady State Manchester |
United Kingdom |
Quit RBC campaign, Extinction Rebellion Québec |
Canada |
Kiko Network |
Japan |
Fossil Free California |
United States |
Fossil Free Münster |
Germany |
Fund our Future |
South Africa |
350 Ottawa |
Canada |
Amazon Watch |
United States |
Stop the Money Pipeline |
United States |
Centar za ekologiju i energiju |
Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Mazaska Talks |
United States |
Fair Finance Guide Sweden |
Sweden |
Grup de Científics i Tècnics per un Futur No Nuclear - Group of Scientists and Engineers for a Non Nuclear Future |
Spain |
Upper Valley Affinity Group (Vermont) |
United States |
Climate Pledge Collective |
Canada |
Christian Aid |
United Kingdom |
350.org |
United States |
Inclusive Development International |
United States |
Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet (GASP) |
Canada |
Mekong Watch |
Japan |
Fair Finance International |
Netherlands |
Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) |
United States |
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES) |
Japan |
Tipping Point UK |
United Kingdom |
Democracy Watch |
Canada |
Facing Finance |
Germany |
FairFin |
Belgium |
Framtiden i våre hender |
Norway |
Bank on our Future |
United Kingdom |
BUND Naturschutz in Bayern (Friends of the Earth Bavaria) |
Germany |
Women Without Roofs - Nepal |
United Kingdom |
Human Rights Advocacy and Research Foundation |
India |
Biodiversity Conservation Center |
Russia |
Bank.Green |
United States |
Ecologistas en Acción |
Spain |
Fair Finance Philippines |
Philippines |
Oil Change International |
United States |
Friends of the Earth France |
France |
ReCommon |
Italy |
Reclaim Finance |
France |
BankTrack |
Netherlands |