CliDeF COP 27 Know Your Rights Webinar for Climate Activists, NGOs, CSOs, Feminist Groups, Coalitions, Networks, and Social Movements

Organised by: CliDef (the Global Climate Legal Defense Network) and the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedom (ECRF)

CliDef (the Global Climate Legal Defense Network) and the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedom (ECRF) invite you to a webinar, Know Your Rights: Legal Protection and Defense during COP 27 in Egypt, on Tuesday, October 25th at 7:00 AM EST or Tuesday, 11:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). In this 90-minute webinar, lawyers will elaborate on the Know Your Rights Guide and will explain the political and legal context in Egypt, including advice about how to minimize your risks of legal harassment or legal process while attending COP. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the Legal Protection Hotline available should you need legal advice or help during the conference. Interpretation will be available from Arabic to English.

Oct 25, 2022 07:00 AM inĀ Eastern Time (US and Canada)